shipping and policies

At our store, we are excited to announce that all journal fulfillments are now being handled through Amazon! This partnership allows us to provide a seamless and efficient shopping experience for our customers.

By leveraging Amazon's extensive fulfillment network, we are able to ensure fast and reliable delivery of our gratitude journals to girls and teen girls all around the world. With Amazon's expertise in logistics and shipping, you can trust that your order will be handled with care and delivered to your doorstep in a timely manner.

Why did we choose Amazon for our fulfillment? The answer is simple - we want to prioritize your satisfaction as our valued customer. Amazon's commitment to customer service aligns perfectly with our own values, and we believe that this partnership will enhance your overall shopping experience.

With Amazon's vast resources and global reach, we are also able to expand our product offerings and bring you even more exciting updates and new products in the future. So, stay tuned for the latest additions to our collection!